Project Cell
A separate research cell for Institute of Distance education was established based on the decision taken in the Board of management meeting on 12th January 2011. Since its inception many projects have been completed.
The details of the cell are as follows:
Coordinator: Moyir Riba, Assistant Professor
No. of Projects undertaken: 6 (Six)
"Distance Education in Arunachal Pradesh: Constraints, Opportunities, Initiatives and Strategies mode.”, Principal Investigator- Dr. M. C. Behera, Director, IDE.
"Assessment of Examination & Evaluation system under Distance Education Program”.Principal Investigator- Prof. K. C. Kapoor, Dep’t of Education, Co-Investigator - Moyir Riba, IDE.
"Status of Distance Education Programmes in Arunachal Pradesh", Principal Investigator- Dr. M. C. Behera, AITS, RGU, Co-Investigator-Moyir Riba, IDE
“Development of Multimedia package for Sociology as a pilot project”, Co-Investigators- Moyir Riba, IDE, Mr. Sunil Koijam, Head, Dep’t of Mass Comm. RGU.
Effectiveness of Modular Approach of Teaching in the ODL mode.”, Principal Investigator- Prof. K. C. Kapoor, Dept. of Education, Co-Investigator- Moyir Riba, IDE
Impact of IDE on the Educational and Social Scenario of Arunachal Pradesh and its future”, Principal Investigator- Prof. Ashan Riddi, Director, IDE, Co-Investigator- Moyir Riba, IDE